What’s inside this video training course?

21 videos, based off of 20 plus years of my experience, working for Catholic parishes, and numerous parish missions across the nation.

In this course you will:

  1. Discover the most effective means, and strategy for you to make your town Catholic in 2024!

  2. Discover how to lead family members and friends back to the Catholic Church.

  3. Discover how one person can effectively move nominal Catholics into Authentic Catholicism.

  4. Define and actualize the vision and mission of the Catholic Church in your local parish and town.

  5. Discover how to make your parish community Authentically Catholic - even if your pastor is not on board.

Is this course for me?

YES! If you are baptized, this course is for YOU!

All baptized Catholics are called, and charged, to share the good news of Jesus Christ through the Catholic faith. It doesn’t matter if you are a a lay man, or woman, priest, brother, sister, or deacon. You have a call and a responsibility to share the Catholic Good News!!!

Bonus Training:

  • Understand the difference between Net Ministry and Direct Ministry. (Hint - one of these doesn’t work well in 2024!)

  • Understand The Church Wagon Wheel Problem, and how to fix it!

  • Learn how to turn defensive Catholics into evangelizing Catholics.

  • Learn how to break the Catholic Consumer Mentality!

  • And SO MUCH MORE!!!

Value: $537 $297 $97

Only $37.00!!!

How To Make Your Town Catholic
One time

Get FULL access to all 21 training videos, plus downlaodable PDF's and other goodies for Evangelizing your town for the Catholic Church. If you are a baptized Catholic, this course is for YOU!

Why do I need to pay for this? Shouldn’t this be free?

Because we all need a little skin in the game. For far too long, us Catholics have failed to do our job of evangelization, and the world is paying the price for it. We have the fullness of truth revealed, yet we often times sit on it, and do very little!

If I gave this course away for free, you would probably sign up, but you may not take it as seriously as I hope, and you would likely forget about it, because you wouldn’t have any skin in the game. Now is the time to step up, and put your money where your mouth, and your heart is. Quit complaining about the CHURCH and start proclaiming the CHURCH!

How To Make Your Town Catholic
One time

Get FULL access to all 21 training videos, plus downlaodable PDF's and other goodies for Evangelizing your town for the Catholic Church. If you are a baptized Catholic, this course is for YOU!

Are you really serious? Make my town Catholic??? You got to be kidding me. That’s impossible!!

I STRONGLY beg to do differ. In MT 28: 19-20, Jesus told His disciples to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,” and about 300 years later, Rome was Catholic. I bet your town is smaller than the Roman Empire. If they could do it in 33 AD, what’s stopping us in 2024? Only our fear. All it takes is one person in your town, so on fire for Jesus, that one person could change your town. What if St. John Vianney lived in your town? Or St. Padre Pio? Or St. Teresa of Calcutta? Your town would be a lot more Catholic! I gaurantee it. So what’s stopping you? Why can’t you be the saint of your town?

How To Make Your Town Catholic
One time

Get FULL access to all 21 training videos, plus downlaodable PDF's and other goodies for Evangelizing your town for the Catholic Church. If you are a baptized Catholic, this course is for YOU!

IMPORTANT: Legal Disclaimers

This is a teaching course on “how“ to make your town Catholic. Results are not guaranteed. Individual and parish results will always vary, and will depend entirely on personal individual capacity, work ethic, sanctity, diligence, and desire in applying any teachings from Daniel Oberreuter and http://Authenticcatholic.com. Daniel Oberreuter and Authenticcatholic.com are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions, and the evaluation and use of the above product and service should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the http://authenticcatholic.com teaching program is not liable to you in any way for your results in using this product and service.

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